Green Washing

I’ve Kermit the frog green washingjust done a load of laundry and about to hang it out on an unseasonal hot day when I turned to my computer to write about green washing.

The washing will dry in a jiff.

The term was used at the Social Good Summit held in Sydney last weekend.  Among a gathering of stakeholders who were involved in bringing shared value to business were Professor Greg Whitwell and Ranjit Voola from the University of Sydney Business School. They spoke of conscious capital; profit that has a purpose, business involving social impact.  Greg believes the United Nations Sustainable Goals for Development can be achieved with a shift in direction.  He is leading the way by focussing his business school on building strategies for social conscience in business leadership.  Ranjit spoke on markets, poverty alleviation and social justice.

See his leadership in action Poverty alleviation and profitability

We can support businesses that are making their mark as partners in social equity.

Back to the washing.

Green Washing

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